Tour Info

Thailand “Land of smiles” the smile will be yours when you come on our 7 day trip of a lifetime. We take you to the city of Pattaya which is described as “Disneyland for Adults”. Every night is Friday night in Pattaya. “Hello sexy man” often heard on the streets of Pattaya. You better believe that sexy young lady is talking to you. In Pattaya you are a supermodel.

This trip is designed for first timers. We have been travelling and living in Thailand for 20 years. We show you where to eat and drink. Most importantly we show you where the hottest ladies are. Single or divorced this trip will change your life. Age is no barrier 18 to 80 is the right party age. Most first timers don’t know where to start (accommodation, money exchange, local customs etc) We take care of everything you just enjoy the girls and the beers)
From the time you land in Bangkok we have everything organised taxis, accommodation, beers, food. There is no stress. It can be very stressful for first timers to navigate their way. The fun begins immediately you get out of customs. We show first timers how to have fun safely and save you money by avoiding the pitfalls.
Glamorous sexy ladies await YOU “sexy man”

Tour itinerary

$2990 All Inclusive

Pattaya bar girls